Thursday, 12 September 2013

In the beginning

This is a blog about 2 demented mums - one is me, a reasonably healthy woman in her 30's and the other is mum...she's officially demented.  She was diagnosed with vascular dementia about 5 years ago and now lives with me, my partner and our 3 kids (which is why I'm a bit demented too!)

Mum is now 79 and a wonderful woman - dementia is slowly but surely taking her away from us and it's hard and I want to treasure her for as long as I can.  Dementia is frustrating, heart breaking, funny, confusing, enlightening, interesting and downright bloody sad.  This blog is a place for me to share the ups and downs of living with and caring for someone with dementia.

But I don't want mum to be defined by dementia, this is just something that is part of her journey.  She was and is a beautiful woman, an intelligent woman who loved reading and singing and having fun. THIS is the mum I want to remember.

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